
Hi, I'm Mustafa I'm software developer

My passion for software is fueled by projects that aim to push its boundaries and create magical experiences.

Short Bio

I am Mustafa, a passionate software developer. I have been immersed in technology for many years and have been involved in numerous projects during this time. For me, each new project is not just a job, but also an opportunity for learning and growth. Using modern software technologies and best practices, I provide user-friendly and performance-driven solutions. Through this website, you can explore my portfolio and get in touch with me. Let's see what we can achieve together in the world of software!


Since the day I stepped into the world of software, I have been relentlessly pursuing continuous learning and self-improvement. I began this journey with small projects and, over time, undertook more complex and comprehensive tasks. Each new project became an opportunity for learning, allowing me to acquaint myself with a variety of different technologies.

The experiences I gained over the years have enriched me not only in terms of technical knowledge but also in problem-solving, teamwork, and project management. Together with the teams I've worked with, we have always strived to produce effective solutions tailored to users' needs.

Today, at this point in my career, I continue to contribute to the software world, leading both individual projects and within teams. In the future, I aim to keep up with the innovations in this industry and spearhead many more successful projects.

Work Experience

  • wask
    March 2023 · current
    Senior frontend developer
    I started working in a full-time position in the Turkey region for this organization that provides services in the field of online advertising. I work on the landing page and internal product developments. I am developing the front-end of a product focused on artificial intelligence.
  • asyncgroup
    October 2021 · February 2022
    Frontend developer
    Async Group
    My first abroad experience took place here, in Ukraine. However, since I was at a company in Ukraine where the primary language was English, I couldn't improve my skills in Russian. Using web technologies, I quickly produced fast sportsbook solutions. This experience answered my critical questions about the challenges of living in a foreign country.
  • furthersoft
    October 2021 · August 2020
    Frontend developer
    At this company, there was a deep workflow that allowed me to progress further on Socket.js and Vue.js. With this company, I was able to develop my skills more with long shifts. Working more than full-time had a significant impact on improving my skills in a short time. It was an intense but enjoyable process for me.
  • fixnetbrodband
    April 2019 · September 2020
    Frontend developer
    FixNex Broadband
    In my role as a Senior Software Engineer for Google, I am responsible for developing and maintaining the Chrome Web Experience.

Let's Connect

I'm excited to connect with others via email and Twitter to discuss projects and ideas. Currently, I'm not accepting freelance projects, but I'm interested in learning about potential opportunities, discussing them with you, and collaborating if we find a good fit.
